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Midlife Masculinity By Design

Your Pathway to Authentic Living and Reigniting Your Inner Fire


"A life without fire is like a candle without  flame."

My Background


Looking back, I had lost my inner fire when I hit my forties. 

I was out of shape, low on confidence, overworking, lacking energy, absent from friends, and tied down by worry for my family.

I was not where I felt I should be at that stage of my life. I no longer trusted my instincts for what I was good at and did not do the things that I loved.

I felt disappointed, inadequate and emasculated...

I decided to do something about it and over the next decade, undertook personal development training courses, read self-help books, attended men's groups and trained as a Life Coach.

Along the way I found other men feeling the same as I had particularly after turning 40. 

I was in a much better place when I hit my fifties and I discovered Human Design and that's when things started to fall into place!  


It created a structure that made a real impact on me discovering my life purpose and living authentically.

I want other midlife men to experience this incredible transformation by using Human Design to help define their masculinity and discover their pathway to their purpose and authentic living. 

So, I've created weekly online men's circles for midlife men that are supplemented by one group coaching session per month

Life is not a rehearsal so don't waste your potential and miss out on a life aligned with your true values. 

Click below to join a circle and start your transformation now...

Pathway to Authentic Living

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International Mens Circle

Are you feeling flat, lacking energy, and seeking a community of like-minded men like you to connect with and share? You've come to the right place. Weekly connect with men across the world to re-energise your passion and feel alive again.   

One-to-One Coaching

Are you feeling stuck in your personal or professional life? Do you have goals you want to achieve but are unsure of how to get there? If so, it might be time to consider working with me for life coaching.

View Your Human Design Chart

Click here to view your unique Human Design Chart and download your free Human Design Revealed Report

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“I felt pressured, tied down, worried about my family's security, and needed to re-evaluate my life. After working with Kevin I'm now in a place of euphoria, a lot calmer, confident, positive, and understand that the things I really love doing are the most important to me.”

- Navin K

“Kevin helped me see my blind spots and showed me tools that I was able to work with to hit some targets that previously I had thought were unattainable.”

- Arvy P

“I was full of self-doubt and ambivalence within myself when I first started working with Kevin. Now my direction in life has shifted and my attitude to individual performance, productivity, and confidence is now front and centre.”

- Joel S

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