Meet Kevin
Leadership Coach
Hi, I'm Kevin A. Davidson, Leadership Coach.
I empower men to re-energise their passion and feel alive again.
Having worked in National Accounts for over 25 years, servicing senior executive clients, delivering high-ticket sales and managing eight-figure revenue portfolios, representing 20% of turnover, I know how it feels to live life for the approval of others.
I realised my approval-seeking was founded as a product of having to adapt, survive, and thrive particularly as a person of colour in frequently hostile and culturally biased environments.
Approval was my safety blanket. It provided protection and reassurance but at the cost of constantly teetering on being fired when the approval tap ran dry.
Deep down I knew I was operating inauthentically, constantly on guard, and hiding the real me. I felt angry, hurt, frightened, envious, and jealous.
But, old habits with the false promise of safety and security die hard...
So, I extinguished my fire to survive.
This brought some level of peace and security to my life. by avoiding confrontations, being agreeable and accommodating but, at a terrible cost to my integrity!
I was a great guy to be around but, there was no real depth to who I was because I constantly changed my views to fit in with others.
By my mid-forties, I realised my life lacked fun, direction and purpose - drastic changes were needed!
I tried self-help books and invested a few years and considerable money into self-development courses to find my true power, reveal my authentic self, and live aligned with my core values.
I did not want other men who had struggled with similar experiences to extinguish their fire to survive taking the same elongated route as I had. So I qualified as an executive coach and set up my coaching practice 9 years ago.
In addition to this, I attended mens groups to aid my healing, eventually facilitating a few for a couple of years to help others.
I realised that whilst the groups were beneficial to members it did not enable them to progress. A lot of them recognised their issues but remained in the same place.
I decided to create my own mens groups and with my coaching practice provide group coaching to enable members to share and develop to move forward.
I recently discovered Human Design and assimilated it into my life. It created a significant transformation which greatly impressed me. Its simplicity, conciseness and effectiveness in creating real change and enabling faster results with longevity amazed me so I have incorporated it into my coaching.
Human Design is a game changer because it quickens the process of re-energising your passion by revealing how your energy operates within you.
I have made it my mission to build a community of men to re-energise the passion in their lives and feel alive again.
Life is not a rehearsal and living a life without desire is like a candle without a flame.
Having so much potential left unlit in the wax is such a waste in terms of time and impact that your flame would have made you, others and the world.
Don't extinguish your flame to survive. Re-energise your passion to feel alive!
Hi, I'm Kevin A. Davidson, Leadership Coach.
I empower men to re-energise their passion and feel alive again.
I lost my passion when I reached my early forties.
Growing up and throughout my earlier adult life, I played nearly every sport invented, kept in shape, socialised, travelled, and enjoyed being in the company of vibrant people.
I got married at 30, bought a house, had a well-paid job, drove a German marque car, enjoyed holidays abroad, and had an abundance of friends.
Come my early forties I had lost my passion for life!
I looked in the mirror and could not recognise the person peering back at me...
I was out of shape, low on confidence, overworking, lacking energy, absent from friends, and tied down by worry for my family.
I was in the process of divorce, childless, renting, and my parents were ageing. All with me trying to maintain my career and keep my life together.
I no longer trusted my instincts for what I was good at and did not do things that I loved.
I felt emasculated. I was not where I felt I should be at that stage part of my life. So, ashamed I hid this by extinguishing my fire to survive.
Not happy with this, I threw considerable money and time into therapy, self-help books and online courses.
I realised that I was judging my masculinity based on the outcome of my life circumstances and the social conditioning I experienced growing up.
My masculinity had nothing to do with that. It belonged to me and I would decide what it represented and not from elsewhere!
It was time to take ownership...
In the process, I realised many other men after turning 40 experienced the same thing as I had. I felt compelled to stop this trend from occurring in others.
So, I took up coaching and trained as an Executive Coach. I opened my coaching practice 9 years ago, helping guys re-energise their passion and feel alive.
From personal experience, I have found men's group sessions a fantastic tool for bringing this to the surface. I facilitated one for over 2 years which enabled attendees to raise their awareness.
Whilst the group session brought about self-consciousness I noticed people were still stuck and needed guidance to transform.
That is why I have introduced a group coaching session per month to supplement the weekly online men's circles I facilitate. Enabling men like you to be part of a like-minded community with an emphasis on international attendance to provide wider diversity.
One-to-one coaching sessions are available too for men who wish to pursue a six-pillar personal path aided by Human Design, and NLP to re-energise their passion and feel alive again.
Don't extinguish your fire to survive. Re-energise your passion to feel alive!
You can join a circle and start transforming today...